Devlog #3 - Alpha Release


It's finally out! Or at least part of it..

In this devlog we launch our little game, it has been a month since our last post, we apologize, but we have been working very hard to achieve an Alpha version of it.

There are alot of new things such as: 

- Enemies with walking and attacking animations

- Attack animations for Dukê

- Health system

- A damaging system which allows the player to damage the enemies and to get damaged by them

- 3 levels: Home, Beach, Boss Cave

- Pause Menu

There are a few bugs:

- Enemies sometimes won't damage the player

- Some little bugs regarding the level design 

- Our health system shows empty hearts when your health is full, but it works fine when you are damaged

- Some colliders are a little messy but nothing important

- And there isn't a "Game Over", once you die you have to acces the pause menu and restart

If you find anymore issues feel free to inform us!

Things we are looking forward to include in our game:

- Boss Fights

- More levels

- More enemies

- Better animations

- A shopping system

- And maybeeeeeeeeeeee a quest system

Keep in mind this is an alpha version but be sure to check it out and give us your feedback! We apreciate it!

May Dukê be with you!


Dukê and the stolen cookie - 26 MB
Mar 02, 2021

Get Dukê and The Stolen Cookie


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The game has two different speeds when walking horizontally and vertically so it looks a bit weird. And also, the boss level's texture is really unpleasant to look at, specially when running. Apart from that, looks cool!


We have noticed the different speeds, we are working on it! Thank you! May Dukê be with you!